The human kingdom of Stormwind forms the backbone of the Alliance. Stormwind's willingness to work with others to find diplomatic solutions stands out as one of its true strengths. Its citizens hold fast to the principles of honor and justice as they defend their settlements, and the Alliance, against any aggressors.
Leader: King Anduin Wrynn
Reasons for racial traits
Humans have long chosen [Sword Specialization] and
[Mace Specialization]. These weapons have come to symbolize justice in human culture and human martial arts are built around their use.
One of the greatest advantages that humanity possesses is their
aptitude for team work and leadership, therefore they are also well
known for their skills in [Diplomacy].
Their leaders proposed forming the Alliance, and even ordinary citizens
know that the right choice of words means the difference between
leaving a good impression and leaving a great one.
The human tenacity is one of their best traits as a race. They
will continue to fight through any level of adversity. Faced with
invasions by the Orcs, Burning Legion, and even the Scourge, [The Human Spirit] remains unconquered. This also contributes to humanity's powerful will to survive, demonstrated by the racial "
[Every Man for Himself]" which shows a human doing anything necessary to survive and triumph over his or her foe.
Human societies tend to have more problems with crime than those of other races. This is perhaps best exemplified by the rise of the Defias and the Syndicate, though there are plenty of small time crooks as well. To cope, humans have developed their skills of Perception [this racial was removed in Patch 4.0.1]. When a human suspects something is up, they can look and listen extra carefully for hidden enemies. Other races, particularly night elves, find this odd, as humans are naturally handicapped against most known humanoid races in low-light conditions, lacking dark and low-light vision.
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