The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthen—titan-forged beings of living stone created when the world was young. Hailing from the mighty city of Ironforge in the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan, dwarves are courageous defenders of the Alliance.
Racial Mount: Ram
Heritage Armor
Dwarves are squat and powerfully built. Non-dwarves might have difficulty telling males and females apart from a distance. The women are of slightly lesser build and have slightly less gruff voices, but are known for fighting with as much (if not more) determination as the men.[41] On average, women reach a height of 4'6" while men generally stand around 4'8" tall,[42] regardless of which type of dwarf they are, with most being stout to varying degrees. Some males do reach just above five feet.[43] Their stoutness belies great swiftness and dexterity,[44] and they are able to move with a stealth that most other races assume impossible for such stocky beings.[45]
Despite their small stature, dwarves have incredibly dense and muscular bodies,[46] with especially hard and muscular torsos.[47] They pack a lot of fight in their compact bodies[48] and are able to easily carry weights that would leave many humans and high elves struggling.[49] The average weight for a male dwarf is around "thirteen stone" (about 182 pounds) and presumably slightly less for females.[50] As a result, they don't float well and have a tendency to sink like rocks if they fall into water. However, this hasn't stopped some brave dwarves from becoming sailors.[46][51][52]
The males always have beards, typically a long wild beard sometimes with hair to match. Some females sport strong beards as well, which is considered a sign of beauty among members of the race. Known examples of bearded dwarf women include two members of Rom's company during the Battle of Grim Batol, who looked the same as the men in the group but hinted at being sisters;[53] one of Falstad Wildhammer's grandmothers;[54] and Gubber Blump's cousin Graun.[55] The comedian Perry Gatner's routine includes a joke about dwarven women shaving.[56] Dwarves often hide things in their beards.[57]
Dwarves are highly adaptable. They thrive in the cold mountains but seem to be equally vigorous and active in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale or the deserts of the Badlands.[58] Their constitution allows them to withstand the oppressive heat of Ironforge's Great Forge without breaking a sweat, even when in full armor.[59] It's a little known fact but dwarves, especially Dark Irons, need a lot of rest, and they have a hard time sleeping without pillows.[60]
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